Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Video: GOP showdown in the South

>> now to presidential politics . and primary day in alabama and mississippi. both races have been seen as close three-way calls between mitt romney , rick santorum and newt gingrich . nbc's kelly o'donnell is with us from lafayette, louisiana , where the santorum campaign is. kelly , good evening.

>> good evening, brian. well, republican voters in the deep south are getting a lot more attention and more chance to have a real influence on choosing the nominee than in primary seasons past for years. and there's also a sort of quality of a cliffhanger with all of this, because tonight, it appears that those top candidates are in a tight race.

>> what's going on in missouri today?

>> reporter: well, one thing not happening there is a republican primary . today, voters went to the polls in alabama and mississippi. and when you look at where the candidates chose to spend the day, that says a lot about their own view of the nomination fight.

>> i would love to have your votes. if you haven't already voted. if you have already voted, e-mail your friends or tweet them. > .

>> reporter: gingrich is the only one who stayed where ballots are cast, staying in alabama .

>> the reason i stayed in this race, it's about more than right versus left. it's about being smart. it's about understanding the modern world .

>> rick santorum moved on to get a jump in another conservative friendly state that votes next week, louisiana . santorum says he does not need wins tonight to remain the mitt romney alternative.

>> don't vote with what the pundits say. trust your own heart and your own head.

>> the super pac that supports santorum debuted a new tv ad today across louisiana that hammers the president on gas prices .

>> rick santorum is the principal lead we are an energy plan.

>> and back to missouri. what stands out is that romney said nothing on his campaign stop about today's primaries nor his gop rivals. instead, romney focused his fire on the president over foreign policy and gas prices .

>> the president is looking around for someone to blame. you know, it seems to be part of his nature. he's out of ideas. he's out of excuses and in 2012 , we're going to get him out of office. that's got to get done.

>> there's been less notice, we should say that republican voters in hawaii and american samoa are caucusing today. and there will be some more tropical air was a because tonight, santorum flies from here to puerto rico . mitt romney is head there had, too, for their primary sound. brian?

>> kelly , thanks.


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