I'm Puffsan, but I will also reply to Puff or Pufferfish or Puffmuffin or whatever you can come up with it. I'm 21 years old and Finnish.
I found this site through Google, thought I'd pick up roleplaying again because I want to learn more English and just writing in general. Previously I've tried some romance roleplaying on deviantArt chats, both OC and fandom based. Apart from that I've only played some MMOs and Final Fantasy, but don't know if those count |D
I'm looking for more devoted roleplaying, it'd be nice to try something with an actual plot with twists *gasp* I might want to try my hand at horror writing, and I'm also interested in romance, sci-fi and fantasy roleplays.
Besides rolling around the internet far too much for anyone's health, my other hobbies include drawing, crafts, reading, practising naginatajutsu, watching anime and baking. I've been involved in classical music for a good half of my life and collect and customize asian ball jointed dolls (BJDs). I'd love to meet new people here and make friends :>
Thanks for reading, and yes there will be cookies for anyone making it here :>
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/niudR4OVWY8/viewtopic.php
rick ross occupy occupy midnight madness midnight madness john henry john henry
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