Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Non Invasive Facial Cosmetic Surgery Options | ? Best Diets and ...

Inject-able dermal fillers are quickly replacing many popular forms of facial cosmetic surgery. For many patients, they provide the same results as surgical procedures, but in a fraction of the time. These procedures are growing in popularity because they are very affordable, and there is little to no pain involved.

Dermal fillers are inject-able gels derived from natural sources, lab created products, or a combination of both. Fillers include gels made of hyaluronic acid, synthetic polylactic acid, natural animal collagen, or even fat harvested from the body of the patient. Fillers are much safer, and they provide superior results. A doctor injects the substance into an area of skin on the face to erase lines, smooth away acne scars, and reverse sagging.

There are numerous advantages with injections over surgical procedures. Unlike more invasive operations, there are no scars to heal, and little to no down time associated with healing. Oftentimes, fillers will stimulate the skin to naturally produce new collagen. While there are a couple of fillers that create permanent results, most must be repeated at least once a year.

Face-lifts are still one of the most requested plastic surgery procedures. The recovery time for a face-lift can range from weeks to months. Through dermal filler treatments, a patient can go into a doctor?s office and have the appearance of a face-lift within an hour. The inject-able material is placed in the nasolabial folds and ?marionette? lines around the mouth. The result is a fuller, younger appearance almost instantly.

Rhinoplasty, can now be performed in many patients with nothing more than a small injection. Large bumps on the bridge of the nose disappear when the substance is injected on the bridge above or below the bump (or both), and the end result is a straight appearance to the nose.

Eye lifts are becoming very popular. While blepharoplasty of the upper lids still require surgical correction, lower blepharoplasties can now be achieved through filler injections. The appearance of bags and dark circles are often an optical illusion. The appearance of aging, tired skin under the eyes may be caused by a thinning area referred to as ?the tear trough?. This furrow can create creepy, wrinkled skin under the eye, and cast shadows that are mistaken for discolored skin.

Through injections, the tear trough evens out leaving a smooth, younger appearance. The flat surface does not cause shadowing, to dark circles disappear. With the skin tighter, lines and wrinkles smooth away leaving a younger, rejuvenated appearance.

Injections are a wonderful non-invasive alternative for facial cosmetic surgery Edmonton procedures. Without the high risks and costs of an operating room, fillers are cheap compared to the surgical methods. Only an experienced cosmetic surgeon can determine if a patient is a suitable candidate for dermal fillers, so make an appointment with a professional to discuss options. If fillers are a choice, then a younger, more beautiful face can be obtained quick and painlessly, while saving considerable sums of money. Although most must be repeated annually, they will still fall into the range of costs associated with more invasive methods that need to be repeated every 10 years.

When looking for facelift Edmonton or Edmonton cosmetic surgery make sure to do your research and consult a fully accredited facility.

Source: http://www.lookingforapersonaltrainer.com/blog/health-fitness/non-invasive-facial-cosmetic-surgery-options/

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