Saturday, July 21, 2012

Well, well, well!

Well, about four years ago, me and my friend were in high school, me a freebie and he a junior. We were talking on an instant messaging chatroom, and all of a sudden, a troll showed up and started pestering us. We left the room, and entered a new one. The troll came in like a boomerang lined with razors. Once more, same thing, but THIS time, another dude said to the troll, and I quote, "Hey, I'm a world champion ping-pong player, you don't mess with me or I'll paddle your ass so hard, your balls will feel it when you serve!" The troll left almost immediately, and this inspired my friend to mention it in the comic he always drew, "Elementals". The main characters, who's names I've forgotten, were a guy who was fire in a human form, and an electric ADHD-filled-ambiguously-gendered-leaning-toward-guy who had found a way to stop sexual predators from going on chatrooms. He paraphrased what the guy had said as "Hi, I'm ThunderG0d1000, and I'm a world-class ping-pong player! Any1 want to chat?", with the ENTIRE chatroom clearing, and the fire guy apologizing for having ever doubted the power of Thundergod1000. I liked most of the sound of it, but 1000 sounds too cheesy, so I selected 1020, pronouncing it as ten-twenty or one-zero-two-zero. I really liked the sound of that, so it just stuck. I COULD have named myself Thundergoddess1020, but there were two problems. 1. People like to say "TITZ0RGTFOL0LZ" if I make it clear I'm a girl, so I tend to point out I'm a girl at the beginning, and it's on my personal info page for the people who know me well enough in the forums to see under the bio. 2. There are some places that don't like usernames more than 15 characters long. And thanks, I won't hesitate to if I need help!


record store day 2012 detroit red wings jose canseco zimmerman derek fisher lyrid meteor shower hippocrates

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